The overall story
" People probably enjoy reading about what happened in the past and that's cool, but after a moment of thinking about it I don't really know what should be written there, so I just write a lot of text so that it seems very filled up and as if I have really experienced a lot in my life or something. Oh yes, and usually people also enjoy reading all kinds of stories on something other than a computer and that's it It's really stupid to scroll down all day long, so it makes much more sense to start the story almost at the bottom because then you scroll up and that is much more pleasant for your index finger or some other finger or something."
In the past, things happened:
2023 - September
Launch Artificialis
After lengthy procedures and complicated office activities, it was possible to start the company 'Artificialis'.
Very nice time
Very nice time, tracking down all kinds of defects and then solving them for customers or other people who were actually just customers, but which didn't really matter or something. By the way, I'm not typing all this for fun, there is quite a bit of truth here and there and it is also quite topical, at least that was this period. Because even this period came to an end and then I started doing my own thing more and more, which is not easy at all, but so far I have been doing reasonably well, at least that's what I hoped.
All kinds of newer options
Due to the general development of all electronic equipment and the like, newer other possibilities emerged. This was partly due to the fact that new possibilities were sometimes not always new enough, which led to even more developments in the fact that developments were possible. During this period I did not always walk so much on my forefoot, but I did so again afterwards because I knew that it ran much better, even if I thought so.
All kinds of new possibilities
When there were all kinds of new possibilities, I realized that I had to continue certain technical things and I did so with all my love because it suddenly came my way that I could practically do the same technical thing as what I had done earlier in my life. had already done. These kinds of options were quite useful for society and society, as they were also very safe.
Another year of doing things
I think I did this for another year, that was this year in my experience.
Done things for a year
I kept doing this for a year
Also got things done
When I was done with it all, I kept doing it under the guise that I didn't really feel like it, but I told myself that I had to make myself feel like it because a boss would undoubtedly do that too. I would say sometimes because I didn't feel like it. Once I had succeeded, I started doing something again, such as carrying a lot of stuff and getting to know all kinds of people, etc., which I may have done before, but this time I didn't actually do much different.
Very beautiful things
It is usually quite useful to have a good relationship with your boss, but it is not always important to talk to him or her if you do not always agree with something or something, but it is not wise to say that you don't feel like it anymore or something unless this is sincere, but then your boss will also see that, but usually he just tells you that you just have to make sense and often that is the best thing to say, but also usually something to do. In any case, I started doing cool things like soul searching and such.
Also serious things
When all those technical things were no longer in the way, more technical things came up, but that didn't always go well because I couldn't always be on the same page with my boss, he thought. But actually it wasn't too bad
Also things
In any case, I somehow liked those technical things because once I had done those technical things, I started doing many more other technical things such as drawing. But also all kinds of other things such as playing the piano, which I actually thought was much more important at that moment, but not everyone thought that so I didn't do that that often and I started doing a lot of technical things so that it made all kinds of people happy. me because I also turned out to be a bit of a technician, but people also thought that I should also play the piano and make music and things like that and everyone always told me that I should do something with it sometime. , perhaps now or later when I would grow up or somewhere in the future or something, but that was not always possible because there were of course always technical things that took precedence because otherwise all kinds of unsafe situations could arise, but fortunately I still have them never experienced it before in my life except then, haha oh yes, that one time, oh, wait, no, I forgot, no, it wasn't that bad I think.
Technical things
All kinds of things that had to do with things and stuff. We sometimes drank iced tea on the schoolyard and we laughed a lot and did fun things. Oh yes, I took all technical school subjects because I was not allowed to take a more musical course because I was very lazy. But no one else could do anything about that because I was just plain lazy.
Other things
There were also things that had happened that had to do with other things, such as all kinds of things being disputed because that thing was somewhere, but that was not so noticeable because of all the things that had nothing to do with it. Things like high school were really serious back then. Buying all kinds of books and a very expensive calculator that was stolen from everyone because it was so expensive. Quite a cool thing, you could also play games on it, great fun with those blocks and things like that.
More serious things
Now I have to say that of course not everything was as it seems. It was during this period that it all started, that it all became a bit clearer. I can still remember well that during this period, when the world was still so open to everything and to everyone, it happened that that one thing just appeared and so did all the other things.
Really important things
Once I got tired of being a toddler, I became a toddler. But once I became one, I found that that wasn't the case. Actually, I was quite rebellious at the time because I didn't agree with anyone. I was sure that when I got older, not much would change.
Something more important
Looking back, I was able to maintain 'being a toddler' for quite a long time, partly despite the fact that it all came quite easily to me. Look a little to the left, look a little to the right, sometimes wonder why something should be done or why something is like that and preferably just ask: "why"? Quite an educational period.
Something important
After I was a baby I became a toddler. A major benefit of being a toddler is that I could pick my nose all day long and no one minded. I was sure that when I got older I wouldn't do much differently.
Something else important
As a baby I did all kinds of things. Laughing, moving, crying, looking happy, looking angry and rolling my eyes. After a few months I said, “Boo!” or “Yuck!” because later, when I realized what an opinion was, I found it easiest to express. These words still resonate with my parents, apparently they were quite important.
The most important thing of all
I was once a baby